Create an account

  • If you don’t yet have an account with TGC, register by completing the new customers sign-up process.
  • You will find it by clicking on My Account / Sign up at the top right of every page


  • There are several ways to browse on TGC.
  • You can use the menu at the top of the site to take you to the product category you want to shop (e.g. jewelry, vanity, sunglasses etc.)
    You can click on the blocks displayed on the home page to take you to a product category.
  • When a product catches your eye, click on it. You will be able to examine the product from different pictures, and zoom in to the picture to see more detail.


  • Found a product you’d like to buy? Click on the Add to cart button. Once you’ve added an item to your cart, you can carry on browsing until your cart contains all of the items you want to buy.
  • If you’ve found a product you love but do not want to check out with immediately, you can add the product to your Wish list by clicking on the Add to Wish list button.


  • Once you are ready to pay for the items in your cart, click on the cart icon on the top right of the page, which shows you all the items you have added to your shopping cart
  • If you’re happy with your choice and are done shopping, you can click the Checkout button
  • If you don’t have a TGC account, or aren’t already logged into your account, you will be taken to the account log in/ sign up page.
    Once you are logged in, you will be prompted to select a delivery option and enter your delivery address
  • You will then be prompted to select a payment method, enter your payment information and click proceed to complete the payment process
  • Upon successful processing of your payment, a complete order summary will now display with all the details of your order.
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